Monday, March 25, 2013


Ever since internship started, I only have a life on weekends. And by life, I mean act-healthy-on-saturday-mornings and spending the rest of my day in bed either catching up on Running Man or sleep.

Sitting jobs are super fattening. All I do at work is to stare at the computer for 8hours then go to the pantry to take free hot chocolate many many times per day. The only exercise I do in the office is to carry files and walk from my table to the printer or to my manager's table.

Oh I found a cute guy at work ~^_^~

Have you ever sat in the office and just wonder if any couples have had office sex before? Because I've wondered about that a lot.

Is it weird that whenever I print something, I like to hug the paper because it's super warm? It's quite gross in a way because after I've printed my work, I would hug hug rub rub then give to my manager to check. Would you hold it against meeeeeeeee~

And I've finally had a feel of the morning crowd. I kind of like it when it's quite packed because that means that I can lean on random strangers and they won't even know heh ;) But if someone stands too close to my face, I'd start blowing the back of their necks HAHAHAH

Also everyone around me would be playing candy crush. Wowz. I was stuck at level 65 for 2 weeks so I've stopped playing already. Starting on Hello Kitty Town now. I have 5 Hello Kitty games on my phone :D

I'm using Internet Explorer and Windows XP at work which is damn old school. Sigh.

Confession time:
I feel like a bad malay )':
There's very little halal food around my area so I keep eating at non-halal places sigh *slit wrist*

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