Sunday, June 10, 2012

And Admyra is free from common tests! I've learnt how to imitate Dobby's voice by the way. Heehee

I was sleep-deprived during the whole common test week and was yawning like crazy during my papers. I think those people who sat around me thought I was crying because I couldn't do the paper. Oh CLSP paper was really funny! It was an open book test so I was observing people and how much things they brought in. The guy beside me had his notes on the table and on the floor around him!! HHAHA And I heard someone brought along a dictionary. HAHAHAH I wanted to do that because lawyers' language is quite to understand but I didn't in the end :')

After the paper on Friday, watched Snow White and the Huntsmen then Korea! :D Snow White is super funny!! Kristen Stewart thinks she's still in Twilight, falling in love with 2 guys + jumping off a cliff and shit. 

I spent my weekend sleeping away ahhh no regrets at all :') Got a book from the library, "The Book of Tomorrow". Need to finish reading that and "The Lucky One" during the holidays.

I WANT TO GO FOR THE HARRY POTTER EXHIBITION!! They have Hermoine's time-travelling necklace there but it's $120. They think my mother print money :')

I really hope the Hello Kitty mascot will come here for the Singapore launch!! Look at the black bag in the background. That 3D bow *_*

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