Monday, May 21, 2012


Today was the last art class yay! We had to write a love letter to ourselves for the final assignment. I wanted to make a very self-praised, lovey-dovey one but it ended up super sad and I cried in front of the class when I read aloud my letter.

"Dear Me,
Life isn't always fair to us. I know it may seem that the world we create in our tiny little bubble is all perfect with the happy memories that we keep. However, you need to let go of what happened. It has been more than a year. Step out of your happy, little bubble. Yes, I know dark and evil things await you in the outside world. 

You don't have to live in regret all the time you know. What happened was just a part of the processes of life. You've been strong enough to go through the past year. You still have you family and friends around you. I'm sure you'd be able to make it through the upcoming years and leave it all behind eventually.

It wasn't your fault, Admyra. Remember, even with love, roses wilt in the end."

Then we had to translate our letter into something visual and this was what I came up with. So much emotion. From the eyes of a non-art student, I really like this piece :D

Yeah. Sometimes, I still blame myself for my late dad's death. A few weeks before he fell sick, we got into a huge argument and there was one night where I wished he would just disappear forever. 

And it happened.

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