Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I'm down with flu and a bit of cough sigh. This sucks. Hoping to recover before my birthday because I really don't want to go out in my pretty pretty dress with a box of tissue paper, blowing my mucus every now and then.

Tomorrow's my mum's birthday and I wanted to cook her a surprise dinner but it would be super unhygienic for me to cook with my mucus dripping all over the place sigh ):

Survived my first 9am-8pm school day today!! Though we were dismissed at 6.50pm because my tutor was sick hahaha I foresee myself dying in this class. All the differentiation and integration coming back to haunt me. Each time I look at my notes, Ms Toh's face appears HAHAHAH That's scary.

Okay I'm going to camp in bed and nom on tao kae noi's grilled seaweed now, hoping that the spiciness will make all my mucus come out :')

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