Monday, April 30, 2012

LE 18TH :D

Was super excited about my 18th birthday not because I'm legal / can get license blah blah blah, BUT BECAUSE I CAN FINALLY WATCH AMERICAN PIE: THE REUNION!!

27/4 - Had Korea with Qiyi though both of us were already sick but we survived 4 hours of eating!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! Then Jena came and we had froyooooooo :D


This was my birthday dress!! Bought it somewhere around march/april last year but I had never worn it before because sorry, some people aren't blessed with huge assets... So I finally took the time to send it to Taylor Swift's earlier this year and yay I can finally wear it! :D

Watched American Pie with Qiyi!!! YAYYYY :D It was super nice!! I think American Pie is a romantic movie. I cried at quite a few scenes. HAHAH A bit dirty as well. The pot's-lid-scene-in-the-kitchen was really unexpected. Had salted popcorn and cheese to accompany us through the movie because it would be really dirty if I brought in apple pie. If you watched American Pie 1, you'd know why....

Went clubbing after that at Coffee Club!! Watch out, we've got a badass over here.

Then we met Clare, Karen and Wingshan for dinner :D I had a lovely birthday! Small, but lovely. I guess all you need is good company and a dirty movie ;)

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