Saturday, February 25, 2012

(because I'm no longer a freshie)

So exams ended yesterday like finally! Suddenly my evenings seem so free because I don't have to study :') Went to the library with Angel to borrow a book immediately after the final paper. HAHAHA Scary.

The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks :) Finished reading it a few hours ago. Cried like a mad cow :') Since it's written by Nicholas Sparks, it's obviously a romance novel with some M18 scenes here and there. But I like how this book had a hint of violence. And a twist!! Really a super unexpected, but happy ending although I felt sad for ____ :)

I've always preferred books over movies because I can use my imagination to picture what's happening in the story. I read this book and imagined the main guy, Dawson, to be this super hot engineering guy *_*

Shall go get a new book tomorrow or Monday maybe :) 

And yes, get a job. I NEED A JOB

Anyways, yesterday was the A Skylit Drive show and I super regret not going )': Adabelle caught Cory La Quay's drumstick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )':

Feeling like a jealous girlfriend now.

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